Today I have some great tips from the founder of Working Simply, Carson Tate. She suggests to us that we can up our game when it comes to managing e-mail on your mobile device. As sales professionals we are on the go all the time and still have to be connected to the rest of the universe. We download apps to enable us to participate in a conference call while making calls out in the field, we set different sounds for calendar reminders so that we don't forget important reports and meetings, and we even download apps that help us maintain a healthy sleep schedule... Thank you Brittany.
Tate tells readers that we can be diligent when it comes to mobile e-mailing. Check out some of her suggestions below.
1. Have your email messages read to you.
To fully utilize your commute time to and from work, consider using an app called Talkler. It will read your emails out loud while you are driving, enable you to delete email messages and reply with verbal recordings back to email senders. It works on exchange platforms and most company email providers. Now, this is what I call effective multitasking.
2. Read and respond to incoming messages.
We have all done it. You are standing in line waiting for coffee, you just peek at your email, and then before you can even finish reading the email, it is your turn to order. You place your order and quickly forget what you were reading only a few minutes ago. Now you have to go back and re-read that email message, either on your phone or later when you return to your office. Re-reading emails, even on mobile devices when we think we are being efficient, actually wastes significant amounts of time. Read and respond to incoming messages on your mobile phone. If the action required takes longer than 2-3 minutes, create a folder labeled EMAIL TASKS (for directions on how to add folders and other ideas see #4 below) and move the message to this folder. When you are back at your computer, open this folder first in your email application and execute on these items. If the action required needs to be handled by someone else on your team, forward the message to them. If the message does not require action by you, either delete it immediately or file it in the appropriate file folder. Take action on your incoming messages and save a few hours this week.
Read Tate's Entire article and find out more about her writing here!